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GSTC has defined 42 evaluation criteria, divided into 4 categories


A sustainable and responsible management of hotels is promoted, with a focus on optimization and continuous improvement.


It deals with how structures provide economic and social support to local businesses and individuals.


Evaluate the actions of respect, conservation, and promotion of the history and beauty of the destination.


Analyze the actions undertaken by the hotel in this regard, such as reducing consumption and managing waste.


It deals with how structures provide economic and social support to local businesses and individuals.


Analyze the actions undertaken by the hotel in this regard, such as reducing consumption and managing waste.


A sustainable and responsible management of hotels is promoted, with a focus on optimization and continuous improvement.


Evaluate the actions of respect, conservation, and promotion of the history and beauty of the destination.
GSTC has defined 42 evaluation criteria, divided into 4 categories


A sustainable and responsible management of hotels is promoted, with a focus on optimization and continuous improvement.


It deals with how structures provide economic and social support to local businesses and individuals.


Evaluate the actions of respect, conservation, and promotion of the history and beauty of the destination.




Analyze the actions undertaken by the hotel in this regard, such as reducing consumption and managing waste.


The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is a non-profit organization established by the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) and the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization). Operating independently, it works to define standards for sustainable development in tourism and the travel sector on a global scale. This organization has created an international certification—the GSTC—which serves as the most important guideline in the tourism industry for those who seriously aim to pursue sustainability.

Among the Certification Bodies for assessing VOIhotels' compliance with the parameters defined by GSTC, VOIhotels has selected the international Certification Body Dream&Charme. Accredited with ISO 17065 by Accredia* and IAF in 104 countries, Dream&Charme is officially authorized globally to carry out "Assessment and Certification of the reliability and sustainability of accommodation facilities." DREAM&CHARME specializes exclusively in the certification of accommodation facilities at an international level.

GSTC worked with the intention of adhering to the ISEAL Alliance's Standard-Setting Code, the recognized body providing guidelines in an international context to develop sustainability standards across all sectors.

The "Sustainable Management" parameter is structured around a series of macroindicators that assess the organization's overall approach to sustainability. Below are the main macroindicators:

Sustainable Management System:
The implementation of a sustainable management system is necessary, appropriate to the size and scope, and capable of addressing environmental, social, cultural, economic, qualitative issues, human rights, health, safety, risks, crisis management, and the implementation of continuous and constant improvement activities.

Legal Compliance:
The organization complies with all applicable laws and regulations at the local, national, and international levels, particularly regarding health, safety, labor, and environmental aspects.

Reporting and Communication:
The organization communicates its sustainability policy, actions taken, and results to stakeholders, including customers, and works to gain their support.

Staff Involvement:
Staff are directly involved in the development and implementation of the Sustainable Management System and periodically receive guidelines and training related to their roles and responsibilities for effective implementation.

Customer Experience:
Customer satisfaction, including sustainability aspects, is monitored, and appropriate measures and precautions are taken as necessary.

Accurate Promotion:
Marketing materials and promotional communications are accurate and transparent regarding the organization, its products and services, and the sustainable actions taken. Communications do not claim anything beyond what has been implemented.

Buildings and Infrastructure:
Parameters such as planning, location, design, and renovations are evaluated. Indicators for this criterion refer to the actual certification of buildings and infrastructure included in the accommodation.

Consistency and Context Respect:
Numerous factors contribute to the evaluation of this point, from cultural heritage assessments to maintaining the integrity of the natural environment, using sustainable materials, and accommodating people with special physical needs.

Acquisition of Land and Water Property Rights:
Regarding land and water property rights, the organization is legal and complies with community and indigenous peoples' rights, including their prior, free, and informed consent, and does not require involuntary resettlement.

Information and Interpretation:
The organization provides tools to interpret natural environments, local culture, and cultural heritage, as well as explaining appropriate behavior when visiting natural areas, lifestyles, and heritage sites.

Engagement with the Destination:
The organization is involved in the planning and management of tourism in the area, where such opportunities exist (e.g., the organization is a member of the local Pro Loco, participates in collaborations with local communities, non-profit organizations, etc.).

Below are the specific contents related to this parameter of the GSTC certification:

Community Support:
The organization actively supports initiatives aimed at improving local infrastructure and social development within the community. Examples of such initiatives include education, training, healthcare, and projects addressing the impacts of climate change.

Local Employment:
Local residents are offered equal employment opportunities and career advancement, including for managerial roles.

Local Procurement:
When purchasing goods and services, the organization prioritizes local suppliers and fair trade, when available and in sufficient quantities.

Local Entrepreneurs:
The organization supports local entrepreneurs in developing and selling sustainable products and services based on local nature, history, and culture.

Exploitation and Harassment:
The organization has implemented a policy against all forms of exploitation and harassment, whether commercial, sexual, or of other kinds, with particular reference to child, adolescent, women, minorities, and other vulnerable groups.

Equal Opportunities:
The organization offers employment opportunities, including for managerial roles, without any discrimination related to gender, race, religion, disability, or other forms.

Decent Work:
Labor rights are respected, a safe and reliable work environment is provided, and employees are paid a fair minimum wage. Regular training is offered to employees, along with experiences and opportunities for career advancement.

Community Services:
The organization's activities do not threaten the provision of basic services for neighboring communities, such as food, water, energy, healthcare, or waste collection services.

Local Livelihoods:
The organization's activities do not negatively impact access to local livelihoods, including the use of land and water resources, rights of passage, transportation, and accommodation.


Here are the variables identified to achieve these objectives:

Cultural Interactions:
The organization follows national and international best practices and local guidelines for managing and promoting visits to indigenous communities and historically and culturally significant sites, aiming to minimize negative impacts and maximize local benefits and visitor satisfaction.

Cultural Heritage Protection:
The organization contributes to the protection, preservation, and enhancement of local properties, sites, and traditions related to history, culture, and archaeology with cultural and spiritual significance, and does not restrict local residents' access to them.

Presenting Culture and Heritage:
The organization values and incorporates authentic elements of both traditional and contemporary local culture within its facilities, operations, design, decor, cuisine, or shops, while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities.

Historical and archaeological artifacts are not sold, traded, or displayed, except for those permitted by local and international laws.

This parameter is divided into 3 sub-parameters that relate to the preservation and conservation of resources, the reduction of pollution, and the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystems, and landscapes.

Let's take a closer look:

Environmentally Relevant Purchases:
The purchasing policies favor eco-sustainable suppliers and products, including capital goods, food, beverages, construction materials, and consumer goods.

Efficient Purchases:
The organization carefully manages the purchase of consumables and single-use products, such as goods and food, to minimize waste.

Energy Conservation:
Energy consumption is measured by type of use, and measures are taken to minimize total consumption. The organization makes efforts to increase its use of renewable energy.

Water Resource Conservation:
The risk related to water resources is assessed. Water consumption is measured, and practices are implemented to minimize usage. Water sources are sustainable and do not negatively impact natural and environmental flows. In high-water-risk areas, contextual water resource management goals are identified and pursued.


Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
All significant greenhouse gas emissions from sources controlled by the organization are identified, quantified where possible, and procedures are implemented to prevent or minimize them. The organization strongly encourages the compensation of remaining emissions.

The organization seeks to reduce transportation needs and actively encourages the use of cleaner, more efficient alternatives based on resources, by customers, staff, suppliers, and in its daily operations.

Wastewater, including waste, is effectively treated and only reused or safely released without adverse effects on the local population or the surrounding environment.

Solid Waste:
Waste, including organic waste and food waste, is measured, and mechanisms are established to reduce waste. Where reduction is not possible, it is reused or recycled. Any further release of waste does not have effects on the local population or the surrounding environment.

Polluting Substances:
The use of polluting substances, including pesticides, paint, pool disinfectants, and cleaning materials, is minimized and replaced, where possible, with harmless products and processes. The storage, use, handling, and disposal of chemicals are carefully managed.

Minimizing Pollution:
The organization implements practices to minimize noise and light pollution, substance spills, erosion, substances that affect the ozone layer, air, water, and land contamination.


Preserving Biodiversity:
The organization supports and contributes to the conservation of biodiversity, including through the appropriate management of its activities. Special attention is given to protected natural areas and areas with high biodiversity value. Any damage caused to natural ecosystems is minimized, repaired, and managed through a compensatory contribution system.

Invasive Species:
The organization takes measures to avoid the introduction of invasive species. Native species are used, where feasible, in catering and landscaping, particularly for natural views.

Visits to Natural Sites:
The organization follows appropriate guidelines for managing and promoting visits to natural sites to minimize negative impacts and maximize visitor satisfaction.

Interactions with Wildlife:
Interactions with free-roaming wildlife, considering cumulative effects, are non-invasive and are managed to avoid negative impacts on the animals involved, their survival chances, and the behavior of wild populations.

Animal Welfare:
No wild animal species are captured, fed, or kept in captivity, except by authorized personnel and properly equipped individuals for appropriately regulated activities, in compliance with local and international laws. Housing, care, and management of all wild and domestic animals meet the highest animal welfare standards.

Wildlife Farming and Trade:
Protected and wild species are not farmed, consumed, displayed, sold, or traded, unless a regulated activity ensures sustainable use, in accordance with local and international laws.

The certification is valid for three years, and in the case of VOIhotels, it expires in June 2027.

The GSTC certification deeply evaluates the management behaviors of hotel facilities, making it possible to intervene with determination and awareness.

The certified structures are:


  • VOI Arenella Resort
  • VOI Baia di Tindari Resort
  • VOI Marsa Siclà Essentia


  • VOI Alimini Resort
  • VOI Daniela Essentia


  • VOI Floriana Resort
  • VOI Le Muse Essentia


  • VOI Colonna Village
  • VOI Tanka Village